3D Mapping for
Underground Mines

Exyn's pilot-free drones and portable ground systems deliver precise 3D maps, sensor data, and georeferenced models to the mining industry.

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ExynAero for Mining

Cavity Monitoring System

The ExynAero launches at the press of a button, and navigates pilot-free through the entire stope in a single flight. Upgrade your cavity monitoring system with the most advanced autonomous drones in the industry. 

Autonomy Level 4

Deep Exploration

You've never seen a drone fly like this. The ExynAero, now with Autonomy Level 4, explores an enitre volume in a single flight, pilot free. 

On-site & In-Tablet

Lightning Fast Post Processing

Exyn sets the industry standard for high-speed map post-processing. Survey teams process data right on the tablet, as soon as Nexys returns home. Whether they are still underground, or back at the control center, the entire process takes less time than the flight.

Customer Story

Dundee Precious Metals

Dundee Precious Metals reveals how Exyn’s fully autonomous aerial drones are transforming their cavity monitoring systems with increased safety and maximum efficiency. Featuring Iliya Garkov, VP and Managing Director and Sergei Mihalev, Chief Surveyor.

Download the Customer Story

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Our customers range from federal IT specialists to corporate construction managers. And they have one thing in common: appreciation for safe, efficient, sophisticated — and frankly cool — data-capture technology.

With Exyn robots, we can safely reach areas that were not safe to reach before.

Iliya GarkovVP & MD Bulgaria, Dundee Precious Metals

It took me about 3 - 5 minutes… to pick up the tablet, put in a waypoint, tell the drone how I wanted it to go and how I wanted it to come back. It was that simple.

Richard BoldingSr. Instrument Physicist, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station

Autonomous drones are a real game changer for risk management and data collection.

Patti PeguesMine Planning Manager, Vale North America

Let’s transform innovation underground

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Modular, Colorized
3D Mapping

Nexys is a completely modular 3D mapping solution designed to reduce time to capture, increase safety, and drive efficiency for challenging, complex, or dangerous environments. 

Learn More About Nexys